Tuesday 17 January 2012

2012 Movies - War Horse

So this year I'm going to keep better track of the movies I'm watching. I go to the cinema a lot and if I'm not at the cinema I'm watching DVD's so I need to start writing more about them, though I won't be writing long posts, just short snippets about thoughts etc. This is the first post for 2012!


Young Albert enlists to service in WWI after his beloved horse, Joey, is sold to the cavalry. Albert's hopeful journey takes him out of England and across Europe as the war rages on.

So, this synopsis basically sums it up quite well. I was a little wary, going into this film, because I don't like soppy, emotional family films. This is definitely one of those, though I wouldn't truly class it as 'family', as I, for one, think war films aren't kid friendly. I certainly don't like them... mind you, you get what it says on the tin so I suppose if you know before hand that you're going to be seeing scenes of war I guess it's ok?

Basic thoughts on the film were that it was heart wrenching. I love horses and anything with horses makes me want to weep like a pathetic woman. I hide my tears though, I will not be made to look weak! hah.
The story was ok, if not a LOT predictable. The war was horrible but there were some saving graces in it - a German and an Englishman helping each other out was bitter-sweet. But overall it was long. It felt like a long film. And my overall feeling was kind of:

"That horse was a user."

We had to fill in questionnaire's for the production company afterwards and I will tell them what I tell you... or vice versa - Wouldn't watch it again, wouldn't buy the DVD. It was ok for a one off viewing but not my cup of tea.

Watch this if you like: animals, stories about animals and their human friends, war, 'epic' drama's minus the 'epic', big blockbuster movies.

My rating:

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